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Recycle Collection


Recycle collection is scheduled once per week. Check your collection day here.

To request a recycle container, you may submit the form below or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and 8am-5pm on holidays.

Recycling material should be loose inside the container, please do not place bagged material in the recycle cart. Materials should be clean, dry and empty to prevent contamination to other materials. Residents are subject to a $25 contamination fee or a $50 diaper contamination fee if there are unacceptable materials and/or diapers inside the blue recycling cart. A resident will receive a warning tag followed by a letter. The letter will include pictures taken of the unacceptable items found inside the container. Residents will continue to receive warnings for not using the carts correctly. The fine will appear on the CPS Energy bill in a separate line item entitled 'Miscellaneous Fee'.

Solid Waste Management will no longer be accepting plastic bags of any kind (bundled or not) in the blue recycling containers. Plastic bags can be returned to area retailers (HEB, Walmart, etc).

View a listing of acceptable/non-acceptable recycle materials here.

Learn more about Solid Waste Management Recycling.

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