Residents may request special collections of brush or bulky items for a fee per cubic yard.
The fees for Out-of-Cycle collection are as follows:
- One item $50.00
- Up to four (4) cubic yards $50.00
- Each additional four (4) cubic yards (or any portion) $25.00 - **4 cubic yards are equivalent to 6ft (length) x 6ft(width) x 3ft(height)
- May not be requested during regularly scheduled brush or bulky collection
Acceptable material is limited to brush and bulky items only. No household trash, construction materials bags or boxes are accepted for this service. There is no limit as long as the items fit in front of the house and are within 8 feet from the curb. The brush or bulky items can not be mixed. Upon requesting the service, the Solid Waste Management Department will follow up with the resident to confirm the request and send a staff member to offer a free estimate on the cost involved with the collection and disposal of the materials through an out-of-cycle collection. If the fee is accepted, Solid Waste Management will send a link via email for payment. Once the fee is paid, the City will collect items within two working days.
The Fiscal Office no longer accepts payments for Out of Cycle Brush or Bulky collection over the phone. If the resident does not have an email, please call the Fiscal Office at (210) 207-6420, for the Customer Number and Invoice Number and payment can be made in person or by mail.
Pay in Person at: 100 W. Houston, Concourse Level (cashier) San Antonio, Texas 78205 or at the Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center (One Stop) 1901 S. Alamo St. San Antonio, TX 78204. They accept cash, check or credit card.
Pay by Mail: P.O. Box 60, San Antonio, Texas, 78291-0060. Make check /money order out to the City of San Antonio and include the Customer Number and Invoice Number on the check.
**All items need to be placed out at the curb prior to work request. SWMD will NOT go onto private property to give the estimate. A request can only be made if brush/bulky items are not currently being picked in the area.
To request this city service, you may submit the form below or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and 8am-5pm on holidays.
A visual representation of 8-cubic yards can be found here.
View a listing of acceptable material collected for out-of-cycle pickup here.
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