Mortgage Programs with Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance
If you are preparing for homeownership, there are a variety of financial institutions currently providing Mortgage Programs to assist with down payment and closing costs, simplifying the process of acquiring your new home.
Benefits from these Mortgage Programs include:
Down Payment Assistance: to shorten the time needed for long-term savings for a substantial down payment. Certain programs provide support for your down payment, allowing you to purchase a new home with reduced upfront costs.
Closing Costs Assistance: to help minimize out-of-pocket expenses up-front and use that savings toward other expenses associated with homeownership.
Please view this flyer with additional information on a variety of mortgage loan programs offering a range of down payment and closing costs assistance. For example, the Frost Bank Mortgage program provides eligible borrowers with an accessible mortgage including a 30-year fixed rate, no down payment, no mortgage insurance and $4,000 toward total closing costs. Plus, non-commissioned advisors support individuals throughout the home-buying process, regardless of the size of the loan.
To learn more, contact a mortgage lender of your choice today!
More about Homeowner Support
NOTE: The information included on the attached flyer and email is for general informational purposes only and the inclusion of any program does not imply endorsement by the City of San Antonio.
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