Pet microchipping services are available at Animal Care Services by appointment only. San Antonio residents who live within City limits can obtain FREE pet microchips (includes lifetime registration), there will be a $5 service fee per pet for out of city residents. There is a maximum of 2 pets per appointment. Appointments can be made here.
The City of San Antonio eliminated the City's pet licensing program which involved the annual registration with the city including providing proof of rabies and pets wearing a metal Texas-shaped license tag. The registered microchip is now the primary means of licensing for pets living within the San Antonio city limits. Residents do not have to formally register their pet's microchip with the City or ACS. Microchips only need to be registered with the microchip manufacturer. If you live in San Antonio, it is city law to have your dogs, cats, horses and ferrets microchipped and registered. Dogs must also wear an ID tag at all times while outdoors.
If your pet gets lost and is taken to Animal Care Services (ACS), another shelter, or to a vet clinic, your pet will be scanned for a microchip. Using a specialized universal microchip scanner, the microchip's unique ID number can be identified. If the pet is microchipped, we’re able to match the registered contact information to the pet and start the return-to-home process!
Registered microchips give a lost pet the best chance of getting back home. Unfortunately, pets without microchips have a tougher time. That’s because collars with ID tags are great but they can fall off.
Animal Care Services is located at 4710 State Highway 151 San Antonio, Texas. For more information, please call 311 Customer Service at 311 or (210) 207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.
Learn more about Pet Microchipping.
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