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Pet Euthanasia


Animal Care Services understands the heartbreak of having a sick or injured pet.  They encourage residents to take their pet to a licensed veterinarian to diagnose, potentially treat and/or privately euthanize.  ACS, as the city shelter, does not see privately owned pets.  They are able to accept an owner surrender, as a euthanasia request, but the decision to euthanize will be at the sole discretion of the vet and the owners will not be able to be present or retrieve the pets remains for cremation or burial.

Pet owners who feel that their pet needs to be immediately euthanized due to the recent onset of immense suffering or injury may take the pet to Animal Care Services, Monday – Friday 1pm – 3pm. For elderly pets who you feel are no longer enjoying the quality of life that you want for them, ACS recommends seeking an appointment for euthanasia at a private vet. An owner surrender appointment for a later date will be set should the pet be determined to not be critical and in need of immediate euthanasia.

If the animal being brought to Animal Care Services as an owner surrender has a microchip,  ACS will need to ensure that the person requesting euthanasia for the animal is the owner.  This may not be able to be done immediately and ACS cannot take in an animal with the intent to euthanize should they not have clear ownership.  Please ensure you have given ACS the time to research the microchip before going in. You may reach out to with the owner surrender form and the chip number to give ACS time to do this.

Animal Care Services requires any and all vet records, xrays, recent blood work or vet diagnosis you have for the pet, particularly pertaining to the diagnosis of any current illness or injury.  Please make arrangements to bring them or have them emailed to

The fee for owner surrender is $25 per pet / $25 per litter (under 5 months old).

Animal Care Services is located at 4710 Highway 151 San Antonio, Texas 78227.The shelter is located at Highway 151 and Old Highway 90 near the San Antonio Food Bank.

For more information, please call 311 Customer Service, at 311 or (210) 207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.

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