Downtown Tuesday is a program where the City of San Antonio Downtown Operations has partnered with close to 100 businesses to offer deals and discounts on Tuesday evenings…one of the most popular deals is Free Parking on Tuesdays after 5 p.m. in all city managed parking facilities. This includes city managed parking garages, lots, and on-street meter/pay station spaces. Free parking is available from 5pm-2am during Downtown Tuesday. Some exceptions apply.
City Tower Sundays offers free parking on Sundays from 7 a.m. to midnight at the City Tower Garage located at 117 W. Commerce. Entrances to the garage are on Main Street and Flores Street.
Free parking is not available at the following locations:
- Alamodome
- IH 35 Lots at Houston St.
- Houston Street Garage (240 E. Houston)
During Majestic Theatre show nights, restrictions may apply at the St. Mary's Garage - it is free during most Downtown Tuesdays. The facility is located on the corner of St. Mary's & Travis St. View a list of partners and specials, along with a map of free parking locations and additional information regarding Downtown Tuesday.
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