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Overgrown Vacant Lot


Code Enforcement Services addresses vacant properties, those with no structures, which have overgrown vegetation in excess of 12" and/or have litter in public view on the property. The City may address the concern by issuing a notice or proceed with the process to cut and remove the overgrowth or debris.  There are notification exceptions for vacant properties near a school, over 48" and those that are on an annual notice list with previous violations. Once a report is submitted, the department will investigate within 2 working days. After the initial inspection, the City is required to provide property owners 7 days to address the concern. The City will work diligently to get the property into compliance within 45 working days.

To request this city service, you may submit the form below, use the City’s 311SA Mobile app or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and 8am-5pm on holidays.

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