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Front-Side Yard Parking


Code Enforcement Services addresses front/side yard parking concerns where a vehicle is illegally parked on an unpaved or unimproved surface in a residential yard. Once a request is submitted, the department will investigate within 3 working days and issue a parking ticket or warning if witnessed upon arrival of the code officer.  The case is closed after the vehicle is removed from the yard or when no violation is found. The City will work diligently to get the property into compliance. If the property continues with non-compliance, a case may be filed in Municipal Court after 3 parking tickets are issued for the same vehicle within 90 working days.

To request this city service, you may submit the form below, use the City’s 311SA Mobile app or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and 8am-5pm on holidays.

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