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SA Kids B.R.E.A.T.H.E.


The SA Kids BREATHE (SAKB) program is a free city program whose primary goal is to improve the quality of the lives of children with asthma by teaching them and their family best practices to control their asthma. The SAKB program will help keep kids out of the hospital, keep kids in school, keep parents at work, and save families and healthcare systems money.

SAKB Community Health Workers (CHWs) serve children between the ages of 3 and 17 diagnosed with asthma and residing within the City of San Antonio. The CHWs meet with these families at their homes (virtual or in-person) to improve asthma control. Education and support is provided over a 12 month period.

For more information visit SA Kids B.R.E.A.T.H.E. or call (210) 207-7282 or email:

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