During inclement weather, the City of San Antonio may open Warming Centers or Overnight Resiliency Centers for citizens needing a place to go. If there are no official announcements of specific shelters opening up, residents may go to public locations such as libraries, community centers, senior centers, malls and similar locations.
Resilience centers are safe, accessible, and equitable facilities where residents can obtain information and resources in times of need. These locations will have access to basic needs/supplies, shelter from the severe cold, access to power & device charging and free wi-fi. Anyone coming to these locations should bring clothes, supplies and medicine. Kennels will be available in a separate area of these locations for pets.
For more information, please call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000. The 311 Call Center is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm.
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