The Food and Environmental Health Services division works to ensure the maximum protection in food sanitation and environmental health.
The division reviews and approves construction plans for food establishment facilities within the City of San Antonio. The division also issues all licenses and inspects all food establishments according to the local health code and State regulations for the City of San Antonio.
Sanitarians investigate:
- Assisted living facilities/nursing homes
- Bars
- Daycares
- Foodborne illness outbreaks
- Foster care facilities
- Hospital kitchens
- Hotels & motels
- Mobile food vendors
- Nutrition sites
- Other complaints
- Public school cafeterias/private & charter schools
- Restaurant inspections
- Smoking ordinance
- Special events
- Swimming pools
- Violations in food establishments
To reach the Metro Health Food/Pool Inspection Line call (210) 207-0135. They assist with name changes, owner ship change, inspection report requests and closures.
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Food Establishment Complaints
Submit a request for service.
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