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City Council Meetings


City Council meets each Thursday (except for the fourth week of the month) for 'A Session' beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chamber on the first floor of the Municipal Plaza Building located at 114. W. Commerce St.   Guests should enter through the main doors off of Main Plaza.

City Council also meet each Wednesday (except for the fourth week of the month) at 2 p.m. for 'B Sessions’ which allow for detailed staff presentations and policy consideration.   All 'A & B Sessions' are open to the public; however, residents are not allowed to sign up to speak at ‘B Sessions’ since these are briefing items and no action by City Council is taken.  B Sessions generally take place at City Hall, 100 Military Plaza on the 1st floor. A Sessions generally take place at Municipal Plaza in Council Chambers, 114 W Commerce. The agenda for each meeting will include the location.

Executive Sessions are closed to the public, by state law, for consultation concerning attorney-client matters, real estate, economic development matters, litigation, contracts, personnel or security matters.

A typical City Council meeting begins with the calling of the roll by the City Clerk to ensure that a quorum (at least six members) is present. Media is welcome to film or photograph any public City Council meeting. There is a designated area in the back of chambers where all tripods must be located. No press pass is needed.

If you are a resident and would like to sign up to attend or speak at a City Council Meeting visit:

If you do not sign up online to speak, please arrive at the location before the meeting starts and sign up to speak in person.  Once the meeting has started, you cannot sign up to speak but may still attend.

City Council meetings and Channel 21 (TVSA) may be viewed live here.

Council meeting minutes are proceedings of action by the City Council for agenda items. View the Council Agendas and Meeting Minutes.

Learn more about City Council Meetings.

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