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Lost and Found Pets


If your pet gets lost and is taken to Animal Care Services (ACS), another shelter, or to a vet clinic, your pet will be scanned for a microchip. Using a specialized universal microchip scanner, the microchip's unique ID number can be identified. If the pet is microchipped, we’re able to match the registered contact information to the pet and start the return-to-home process!

Registered microchips give a lost pet the best chance of getting back home. Unfortunately, pets without microchips have a tougher time. That’s because collars with ID tags are great but they can fall off.

To check for lost pets visit the Animal Care Services facility, located at 4710 State Highway 151 San Antonio, Texas 78227. The shelter is at 151 and Old Highway 90 right next to the San Antonio Food Bank.

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday/Sunday: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

You may also visit the Pet Search Database. Animal pictures are uploaded twice daily at 11:00am and 5:00pm.

Animal Care Services offers an additional tool to assist with locating a lost pet. Petco Love Lost is a searchable national database that uses patented facial recognition technology to scan uploaded photos of a missing dog or cat to determine if that pet is at a participating shelter or neighbor of the community.

More about finding a lost pet.

Found a Pet?

San Antonio Residents bringing in a lost pet must provide identification and pets must be leashed or in an appropriate carrier. Animals will only be accepted at the shelter if space is available.

Our Animal Care Services (ACS) Intake Staff is able to reunite a found pet with its owner or find an additional home in case they cannot locate its owner. Because of overpopulation and kennel capacity, it is helpful if you are able to hold onto the pet ahead of time. ACS can only provide services to residents within City limits. Residents living in the other municipalities will need to contact their local government authority for the handling of stray pets.

In addition to the steps for taking an animal in, you can also consider the following:

  • Take the pet to the nearest veterinary clinic, animal shelter, or spay/neuter clinic to scan the pet for a microchip. Contact the pet's owner and report the pet was found.
  • Check out Lost Dogs of Texas on Facebook to create a free flyer and post on social media
  • Post flyers in your neighborhood
  • Shelters in the area to see if they have space for the pet
  • Nextdoor or Craigslist to advertise pet
  • Check the ACS Lost & Found Pet Network FB page

San Antonio Residents bringing in a lost pet must provide identification and pets must be leashed or in an appropriate carrier. Animals will only be accepted at the shelter if space is available.

View more information for a Found Pet here.

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