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Dead Animal Collection


Solid Waste Management collects dead animals from city streets and from residents who place the dead animal in a bag or box at their curb. Please do not place dead animals inside solid waste collection containers. City staff will not go on private property to collect a dead animal. This service request will be addressed within 2 days.

Dead Animal Collection is also provided for veterinary clinics who purchase stickers for pick up from the Solid Waste Management department. The fees are $10 per sticker.

The Solid Waste Management Department does carry scanners to check for microchips during dead animal collection.   When an animal is scanned and a microchip is found (only when safe to do so), that information is sent to Animal Care Services who will contact the owner. SWMD will discard the body but try to recover collars and tags if they can. Microchips are not always able to be scanned if they are damaged.

To report a dead animal in the City of San Antonio, you may submit the form below, use the City's 311SA Mobile app or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000.  311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.

To report a dead animal in the County please call (210) 335-6700. Dead animals on the highway should be reported to Txdot at (210) 615-1110.

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