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Dangerous or Aggressive Dogs


The City of San Antonio’s Animal Care Services (SAACS) has introduced a searchable dangerous dog registry that details where legally deemed “dangerous dogs” are located. The online tool lists the specific address in addition to the number of dangerous dogs at the location. The registry is located online at: There are currently more than 100 dogs deemed “dangerous” in San Antonio. The map will be updated as cases occur and includes the address of all active dangerous dogs as well as the number of dogs designated per address.

The City's dangerous and aggressive dog laws are taken directly from State law. If a dangerous or aggressive dog is reported, Animal Care Officers will investigate if certain legal criteria are met.

In order to begin an investigation, you must complete the affidavit and detail the incident.

Access the affidavit (in English and Spanish) and learn more about the process here.

For more information please contact 311 Customer Service by dialing 3-1-1 or (210) 207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.

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