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Dangerous or Aggressive Dogs


The City of San Antonio’s Animal Care Services (SAACS) has introduced a searchable dangerous dog registry that details where legally deemed “dangerous dogs” are located. The online tool lists the specific address in addition to the number of dangerous dogs at the location. The registry is located online at: There are currently more than 100 dogs deemed “dangerous” in San Antonio. The map will be updated as cases occur and includes the address of all active dangerous dogs as well as the number of dogs designated per address.

The City's dangerous and aggressive dog laws are taken directly from State law. If a dangerous or aggressive dog is reported, Animal Care Officers will investigate if certain legal criteria are met.

In order to begin an investigation, you must complete the affidavit and detail the incident.

Access the affidavit (in English and Spanish) and learn more about the process here.

New changes to the city's animal laws will mean increased fines for repeat offenders and anyone whose dog bites someone.

Animal Care Services can also use a pseudonym (or fake name) if requested to start an Aggressive or Dangerous Dog investigation. (Currently, State law would require a complainant’s real name to be used if a case goes to court though).

  • Increased fines for repeat offenders who allow their dogs to roam and those whose pets bite.
    • Fines for repeat offenders have been increased to $500 for a second offense (from $200) and to $750 for a third (from $300)
    • Fines have increased to $1 thousand dollars for a first offense for the owner of a biting dog; $1500 and $2000 for a second and third
  • Mandatory spay/neuter for dogs found roaming and brought in to ACS before they can go back home.

For more information please contact 311 Customer Service by dialing 3-1-1 or (210) 207-6000. 311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.

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Animal Care Services (ACS)

Animal Care Services is located at 4710 Highway 151 San Antonio, Texas 78227.The shelter is located at Highway 151 and