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Animal Permits


Animal Care Services responds to ensure proper permits have been obtained for cases outlined in the following: Excessive number of animals, Breading/Sellers permit, Permit for Livestock in the city, Permit for Pet Shops / Grooming shops / Boarding kennels in the city, Circuses / Rodeos / Animals Exhibits / Animal shows / Petting zoos / Recreational animal rides. This also includes Cat colony permits and registrations.

  • A maximum number of eight (8) cats or five (5) dogs, or a total of eight (8) is permitted at a residence.
  • The total number of domestic fowl and livestock allowed at a residence is five (5) which may include: Up to 3 domestic fowl, and Up to 2 animals from the following classes of livestock: Equines, Bovines, Sheep, Goats, Llamas.
  • A maximum number of eight (8) domestic fowl is allowed at a residence of which only one (1) may be a rooster.

In order to have more animals than this chapter allows at a residence, an owner must apply for an excess animal permit which shall be valid for one (1) year.

Animal Care Services has a commitment to respond to and investigate calls that have been identified as potentially in violation of animal permit requirements as defined by Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code. Officers will make location and verify the need for permits as well as educate on required documentation, fees, inspections and frequency of renewal if applicable to obtain the necessary permit. Upon application, an inspection fee of $25 will be required to initiate the final inspection before final permit approval is granted.  Non-compliant individuals requiring a permit will be issued Notices of Violation and citations as required for inaction. Cases where animals are noted to be in severe inadequate standard of care will be escalated to cruelty Investigators for further investigation and determination if the neglect meets cruelty standards as set forth in Texas Health & Safety Code and Texas Penal Code. The initial response for this service request type is 14 days.

To request this city service, you may submit the form below, use the City’s 311SA Mobile app or call 311 Customer Service at 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000.  311 is available seven days a week from 7am-7pm and on holidays from 8am-5pm.

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