Addresses concerns regarding animal noise as well as those owned animals unrestrained and destroying property.
Mitchell Lake Audubon Center Bird Conservation is located at 10750 Pleasanton Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78221. The phone number is
Addresses animal bites made to animals or humans. The law requires notification to the municipality of all animals bites.
The Hill Country Horse Rescue is located at 682 Krause Road Pipe Creek, Texas 78063. You may contact them by
Addresses concerns regarding owned animals where there may be signs of distress or neglect by the animal owner.
Animal Care Services offers a listing of pet care tips, including training techniques and correcting behavior issues.More about Pet Care
Addresses concerns regarding online/roadside animals sales, permitting of animals (max 8 per household), as well as maintenance of properties for animal waste.
Addresses concerns regarding online/roadside animals sales, permitting of animals (max 8 per household), as well as maintenance of properties for animal waste.
ACS offers free pet training (humans only) on basics such as potty training, puppy raising, managing anxiety and destruction, and
Addresses animal concerns regarding stray/roaming/unrestrained animals as well as those displaying aggressive behavior, including owned and unowned animals. There is no restriction for roaming cats.